Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dr. David Romano Supports ROJ TV

ROJ TV stands out as an important voice for a long-silenced people. From what I have seen of its programming and staff, the station takes its role very seriously and seeks to abide by principles of journalistic integrity. If the Danish and other European judiciaries hold ROJ TV to the same legal standards as are applied to other broadcasters, I am confident that the
station will not be closed. Whether or not one likes the particular messages coming from ROJ TV, NTV, Al-Jazeera, FOX News, or other broadcasters is irrelevant - the sole criteria for forcing the closure of a network must be universally applied legal principles rather than
political pressure, particularly if this pressure comes from foreign states. I encourage the Danish authorities to display exemplary judgement and moral principles in this case.

David Romano

Ph.D. and author, The Kurdish Nationalist Movement (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

David Romano
Post-Doctoral Fellow
CERIUM (Center for International Studies and Research)
University of Montreal, Canada
Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada