Thursday, March 16, 2006

Save ROJ TV, the Kurdish satellite TV

There has been a systematic campaign, organised by the Turkish authorities, to compel European countries (particularly Denmark) to prevent free and democratic Kurdish broadcasting. Their aim is to close down the independent Kurdish Satellite channel, ROJ TV. These attempts coincide with the European Union's efforts to promote democratic reform and free broadcasting in Turkey. We, the undersigned, condemn the Turkish Government's anti democratic campaign. We urge the Danish Government and European Union member states to resist Turkish pressure and protect free speech in Europe and Turkey.


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At 25/11/05 4:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There Must be a limit to demagogy!

In Today's Hurriyet there is a short article entitled " Details from Ankara's Roj Tv documents revealed"
Reading this dispatch one wonders how arrogant and at the same time naive could people who insist upon their animosity vis-a-vis kurdish free thought and broadcasting.
Hurriyet writes : " One of the most important features of the document presented to Denmark is the finding that the opening and closing chorus song on Roj Tv is the same on other tv stations who have operated before".
The refrence is to EY REQIB, the Kurdish National Anthem , which is played at the start and closing of ROJ TV's programming. The question is what the short-minded authorities in Turkey are revealing.Of course a Kurdistani TV station could start its broadcast by playing Kurdish National Anthem. Is there something wrong with that ?

At 25/11/05 5:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I condemn the Turkish state or any other state’s pressure against Kurdish culture, heritage, and right to exist, in particular a free and independent Satellite TV station such as ROJ TV. The Turkish state shall use the experience of South Africa, Northern Ireland and many other similar cases to end their 14-century’s Ottoman policies against Kurdish citizens. The Turku-Mongolian time has passed and we are in new civilized era of 21 Century.
Long live ROJ TV

At 25/11/05 11:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If ROJTV wants to keep going, who says they can't? I'd like to see someone dare to raise their hands! The Turkish Government and any Government who side against Democracy should be ashamed....we're in the 21st Century for God's sake!!

At 26/11/05 2:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkish government contiously oppressed millions of Kurds inside and outside Turkey. Threatening right of speech outside Turkey is unacceptable.
Unfortunately western countries in the past sponsored this notorious Turkish system for short sighted interests.
Repeating same mistakes only mean that there is no difference between Turkish Jundrma and European countries.
We should see soon the day when mighty God liberate all Kurdish citizens from such regiems that have rotton roots in the history.
Dr Peshraw Amin
Consultant Physician
United Kingdom

At 26/11/05 8:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the interest of free and democratic societies in the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere, every last one of us should stand up in opposition to this sort of draconian and represssive action. Roj TV represents not only a forum in which Kurds all over the world can debate and discuss issues facing their people and seek peaceful solutions to bring a resolution to the Kurdish Question, but an important contribution to the preservation of endangered languages and cultural diversity globally. Ventures like Roj TV are the very future of free, democratic and pluralistic societies. To lose Roj TV to those who undermine this would be a loss for us all, Kurds, non-Kurds, humanity.

a concerned citizen and friend to the Kurdish struggle

At 26/11/05 8:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Turkish government proved once again that they are far behind Europe when it comes to democracy, freedom of expression and human rights. There is only one way from the follwoing two:they must either change completely or Europe must close every door before this undemocratic and non-civilised regime.
Shorsh Haji

At 27/11/05 2:39 am, Blogger Mizgîn said...

How great it is to find this blog only hours after writing my own entry on this very subject! I have created a link from my blog to this one at

I cannot describe how strong is my desire to see Roj TV and the Danish government triumph over all those who would continue to chip away at the basic right of freedom of speech, especially for those who have had their voice silenced for far too long.

Bijî Roj TV!

At 27/11/05 5:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope ROJ TV will not close down. ROJ TV is our national channel, about 25 million of Kurds have watched it. ROJ TV is not belong PKK it is belong Kurds. This is our channel.

At 27/11/05 11:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not a surprise that Tukish racists have been denying the exsistence of a nation of 40 millions by different means, but it is a surprise if such a country will be a member in EU in near future.
Dr. Shareef

At 27/11/05 3:20 pm, Blogger Dara Sor said...

My support to my brothers at ROJ TV--- May you prosper - and grow wise!

No to Turkish hegemony!

To to Turkish FASCISM!


Bijî Kurdistan! Bijî!

At 28/11/05 10:54 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkey has once more shown itself to be unfit to call itself a democratic country. Do they really expect to become a member of the EU with an attitude that is reminisent of the soviet unoin at its worst. How can a modern society, oppress an emerging democracy in this way. I fully support Roj.TV and hope with all my heart that it survives. My deep complements is to the founder of Roj TV .

At 29/11/05 9:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ez jî wek her kurdî
roj tv wek cavê xwe wek capemenîya xwe dibînim û komployên ji bo kapatkirina roj tv sermezar dikim.
ez herwiha roj tv wek îradeya xwe jî dibînim û em naxwazin ku were kapat kirin.

At 29/11/05 10:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I condemn the Turkish state or any other state’s pressure against Kurdish culture, heritage, and right to exist, in particular a free and independent Satellite TV station such as ROJ TV. The Turkish state shall use the experience of South Africa, Northern Ireland, Aceh (Indonasia) and many other similar cases to end their attacks against the Kurdish citizens.
Long live ROJ TV

At 1/12/05 2:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Låt inte Roj TV stängs för demokratins skuld, för mänskliga rättigheters skuld, för det fria röstens skuld och för EU:s KÖPENHAMN konventionens skuld. Roj TV är den enda kurdiska fria tribunen i Turkiet låt inte stängs på turkiska generalernas begäran.

At 1/12/05 7:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viva and long live ROJ TV...
It must continue with enhancing kurdish culture. I will write about the subject in my blog about
ROJ TV. Please check out. Thanks.

At 2/12/05 10:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bende bir kürt genci olarak roj tv nin kapatılmamasını istiyorum.

At 3/12/05 12:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roj TV belongs to 40 million Kurds who watch everyday it. So RojTv must not close down. I protest Turkish gaverment policy against 25 million Kurds who want to live humanly, not under humilation and suppression.

Solaiman Chireh (Hersh)-Sweden

At 7/12/05 1:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I watch ROJ TV I am rememberd of my Identity !
I feel that I exist in Human family.
If ROJ TV is not there I am sure what is going to happen with my identity!

At 7/12/05 1:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hassan Hashemi ( veteran Kurdish politician and personality)

I protest Turkish government's policy against 25 million kurds in Northern Kurdistan and Turkey who want to live as human beings , and not under humilation and oppression.
ROJ TV belongs to a culture which
covers a wider area and is watched by kurds everywhere.

At 7/12/05 1:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you to Roj TV to let us talk about the human right's situation in the Basque Country. The freedom of expression and the right to the information are fundamental rights.
Not to the closure of the newspapers or other communication tools, like Roj tv.
Iratxe Urizar, member of the Basque Observatori of Human Rights

At 7/12/05 1:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They cry as a crocodile and shouting for freedom without knowing real meaning. If Turkey be succeeded in closing down ROJ TV in 21 century... ( So welcome to the .... jungle)

At 7/12/05 9:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkish state's attitude towards Roj Tv is just another crime against
Humanity by the way of denying the Freedom of Expression, Freedom of
Speech and Freedom of Press to the Kurdish people outside of her
These sort of attacks and denial against Kurdish people is getting
longer with each passing day.

Hope to see The Day comes when Turkish State will change her attitude

Long Live Kurds and Kurdistan

At 9/12/05 10:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pierre said...
Bende bir kurd olarak en degerli varligimiz olan, en onemli haber kaynagimiz olan roj tv'yi destekliyorum.
(English traslation) As a kurd I support our most valuable being, and themost important source of information for us, ROJ TV.

At 9/12/05 3:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omer Duhoky said…
I beg Danish government not to close our voice Roj TV

At 10/12/05 6:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sillaw..hîway serkewtin bo stafî Roj tv...
Min pishtgîr xom u xezanekem bo Roj tv dêrdebirrim u zor be tundî protestoy dewlletî turkîye dekem...Roj tv, Rojî hamû kurd e, dengî hemû kurd e, daxistinî Roj tv daxstinî dengî hamû kurd e....

Rebin mehdi kokej ,
parwin Xesrew

(In English)
Hello. I wish the success of ROJ TV staff...
Our family express its support for ROJ TV. We strongly protest Turkish

Roj TV , is the sun of all kurds, it is the voice of all kurds. Closing down ROJ TV means Silencing all kurds

Rebin Mehdi Kokej
Perwin Xesrew

At 10/12/05 6:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kurdish writer and editor of online
kurdish literary journal GZING

As Long As I can judge ROJ TV is an independent Kurdish media outlet.
The baseless claims of Turkish establishment concerning this real voice of Kurdish people is utterly nonsense.
This channel concentrates on kurdish culture in its diverse aspects.Contrary to claims of accusing ROJ TV for incitement to hatred, it has been working all along for peaceful coexistance and harmony among different ethnicities in the Middle-East
In a time when Turkey eagerly wants to join European family , instead of asking for ROJ TV's closure, Turkey should regulae its broadcasting laws in a way that allows launching not just a kurdish tv channel in Turkey but promotes interested circle to start broadcasting in Kurdish in public sector and privately

At 10/12/05 6:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s 21st Century for God's sake!!!!!!!!!! Get Real

Every day I get more soup rise the way Turkish authority, the way they are roling and treating the Kurdish right in North Kurdistan, they do everything in power to join the EU but at the other side they don’t give the right to the Kurds to have own TV Channel, If turkey wants to take advantage from this opportunity it must try to litsen to the Kurdish citizens but not blocking the channel which could be a means of listening and understanding. What Kurds are asking for is not that much? Again take this opportunity now because the Kurds in turkey are willing to continue dialogue for positive developments in Turkey.

At 11/12/05 8:04 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Khatab Sabir said...

It is really outrageous and exorbitant action by Turkish government in order to stop the only independent Kurdish TV.

At 11/12/05 5:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harold said...

I as a person who`s started an ever-lasting movement with millions of millions to push the process of superhuman-making foreward,condemn all those anti-humanity and antidemocratic turk authority policies against not just Kurdish but global procedure of Freedom and free will providing.

At 26/12/05 2:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

F.B. said...

You Turkish government are not allowed to tell us that Roj tv should not exist. You have oppressed the kurdish people in many years and now you want us to surrender the channel????
My only chance to learn something about my culture or my language is watching ROJ TV.
I condemn the turkish government because it does not follow the human rights and i also will tell them that Roj Tv will exist as long as KURDS EXIST.

At 30/1/06 2:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i support Roj

At 30/1/06 12:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good working Roj Tv!

At 8/3/06 2:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like this blog. You show a spirit of continuity which is very important.

At 18/3/06 8:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

roj tv kapanmasi ozgurluk cercevesinde yer almayan bir davranis...lutfen kardeslik esitlik yonunde yol alalim ve kurd halkinin media ozgurlugune dokunmayalim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 4/4/06 9:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today 04.04.2006 in Turkey's parliament there was a special session to discuss the last week's events in Kurdish ctiies and towns.
Abdulqadir Aksu the interior minister in a prepared speech tried to inform the deputies about the incidents one sided.
There was nothing new in what he was saying , he was just repeating the old , archaic words about none-
divisable nature of the Country and named kurdish movement as terrorist instigated.
Now the time is ripe for both European Union and United States
to pressurize these warmonger thugs to accept the reality of nobel Kurdish people and force them to negotiate a peaceful settlement with Kurdistan Workers'Party which is the real representitive of Kurdish people !

At 14/8/07 2:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Governments and authorities in Turkey (in fact in the whole region)have been raised based on nationalism or Islamism (lran since 1979) to dismiss all basic minority rights. Natural reaction from Kurds, Armenian, Assyrian, Turkuman, and other minorities is a reflection of unjustice against them. No hope to bring those authorities to realise that minorities have rights and that their polices have resulted in the Armenian genoside, mass killing of Assyrian in the 1930s, and current killing of Kurds.
Turks as a nation are not responsible for those, authorities through out history were.
In the 21 century blocking media station by those states is impossible and like covering a barrel with hundered of holes. I feel sorry for these states, the wind of changes is coming, behold !
Kurds and other minorities will have their rights taken, not given and these will be history.
No one could put hateride in the heart of those minorties against majority.

It has been proven that neither nationalism nor Islamism work as a running system, they failed in the past 80 years,and will continue to fail unless force accompany them.

Soran Talabani

At 25/5/08 1:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to suport roj tv the light from the sun

mariwan /


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