Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tomorrow is the new year!

We in Save ROJ TV have got lots of Season greetings from our callers. We wish them all happiness in the Kurdish New Year. The followiung is one of these greetings in English translation from Sewllawa in Eastern Kurdistan.

Tomorrow is the new year!

Last year and even the years before in such day,
we wished the given year be the year of achievement of Kurdish desires!
and this is a nasty repeat, a terrible tragedy.
No wish was achieved, and no prospect was realised,

That is why this year in Newroz with a doubtful heart, and an uncertain vision
I invite you to start a much more harder year!
I shake your hands, and salute your friendship for the past year
I wish your Newroz be full of Narcissus, and glories.

Salah Elmizadeh
