Monday, March 20, 2006

Vatis Narutle has left a new comment


Hello dear sir!
My name is vatis narutle, and i want to thank you for posting such a meaningfull piece of literature. Your views move me, as i am too a Kurd. You should definitely keep up the good work!! ( p.s. i think you should be on Oprah!) i am looking forward to future peices written by you! Thank you again!


Vatis Narutle

Deniz bayindir has left a new comment "Save ROJ TV, the Kurdish satellite TV ":

roj tv kapanmasi ozgurluk cercevesinde yer almayan bir davranis...lutfen kardeslik esitlik yonunde yol alalim ve kurd halkinin media ozgurlugune dokunmayalim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( English translation reads)To ask for Roj TV to be closed down has no place in the framework of liberty.

Pleas take the way of fraternity and equality and do not disturbe Kurdish people's media freedom

Jerry gould has left a new comment"Save ROJ TV, the Kurdish satellite TV ":

45 minutes of broadcasting in kurdish to the kurds of turkey is a good indicator of why turkey should never be accepted in the E U C. their attitude to the kurds reflect how insecure they are.